The Dystopian Summer Project

April 7, 2010

The Plan

Filed under: Uncategorized — dystopiansummer @ 2:52 pm

Come explore a word with me this summer.

dystopia (n.): 1. A hypothetical place, society, or situation in which conditions and the quality of life are dreadful. 2. A novel or other work depicting a dystopian society or place.

My actual life should be great, or at least worth it. In theory, this will be the best summer I’ve had so far. That’s why I’ve stocked my reading list with books about societal ruin, human suffering, and radical bloody revolutions–I want contrast. I want perspective. I want some damn good stories.

So this summer, between an internship and a part-time job and hanging out with my boyfriend and e-mailing my parents and finally learning how to parallel park, I’m going to read. You’ll hear about all of it, in book reviews and chunks of original prose and personal spats and essays that combine everything.

Let me know what you think!

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