The Dystopian Summer Project

April 9, 2010

The Books!

Filed under: literature,Uncategorized — dystopiansummer @ 2:19 am
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This list is in no order and is constantly growing. Green means I’m currently reading, red means I’m done, black means I haven’t gotten there yet.

1. The Year of the Flood: Margaret Atwood

I didn’t plan on including this one even as I walked out of the campus library stuffing it into my backpack next to the four other novels I checked out this afternoon. It was originally just part of my monthly(ish) haul. But every one of the 168 pages I’ve read so far is perfectly qualified.

2. Brave New World: Aldous Huxley

I’m curious about the sex in this one. And the dystopia. But mostly the sex. I’ve heard interesting things.

3. 1984: George Orwell

I never had to read this for English class like 75% of my high school did (uh, yay AP?), so I’ve always wondered what I missed out on. The whole outdated future aspect of the title intrigues me the most; pretty sure that’s the least important aspect of the story.

4. Running Man: Stephen King (as Richard Bachman)

5. The Long Walk: Stephen King (as Richard Bachman)

When he wants to be, Stephen King is a badass writer. I’m really looking forward to reading his exploration of worlds that don’t have pop culture references he can clumsily shoehorn into his otherwise-awesome narratives.

6. Farenheit 451: Ray Bradbury

I read this in ninth grade (hi, Mrs. Heath!) and remember liking it so much I did my Required Epic Research Paper on Nazi book burning. We used a class set of the novel, though, so I couldn’t (legally) take it home and keep it.

I’ll add books to this list through new posts so they’ll be right out in the open. Transparency and whatnot.

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